To the Editors:

Bertrand Russell, one of the most important philosophers of this century, awarded academic honors in many countries and the Nobel Prize for Literature, revered by multitudes all over the world for his untiring efforts for peace and human understanding, has not so far received the recognition that is his due.

Permission has been given by Camden Council for the placing of a bust of Russell in central London in the gardens of Red Lion Square and a committee has been formed to promote the project. Robert Davis, President with Peter Cranford, Chairman of the Bertrand Russell Society in the US and members of Russell’s family are giving encouragement to this venture.

We think that there will be many admirers of Russell and his work who will wish to contribute to the cost of the memorial and we invite them to respond to this appeal.

The sculptor will be Marcelle Quinton.

Sir Alfred Ayer, Lord Brockway (Chairman of Appeal Committee), Peter Cadogan (Secretary), Lord Ritchie-Calder, Frank Dobson, John Gilmour, Dora Russell, Lord Willis, Baroness Wootton

c/o SPES, Conway Hall

25 Red Lion Square

London WC 1.

For a tax-deductible contribution in the US

make checks out to:

Bertrand Russell Society

c/o the BRS Information Chairman

Route 1, Box 409

Coopersburg, PA 18036

This Issue

April 17, 1980