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Rebuilding Architecture
Architecture Today
by Charles Jencks, with a contribution by William Chaitkin
Modern Architecture: A Critical History
by Kenneth Frampton
Modern Architecture since 1900
by William J.R. Curtis
Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue
by Richard Oliver
The Decorated Diagram: Harvard Architecture and the Failure of the Bauhaus Legacy
by Klaus Herdeg
December 22, 1983 issue
After Modern Architecture
De Stijl, 1917-1931: Visions of Utopia
edited by Mildred Friedman
House X
by Peter Eisenman
Architecture Today
by Charles Jencks, with a contribution by William Chaitkin
James Stirling: An Architectural Design Profile
by James Stirling and Robert Maxwell
A Tower for Louisville: The Humana Competition
edited by Peter Arnell, edited by Ted Bickford
December 8, 1983 issue
Modern Architecture in Question
The Architecture of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts October 29, 1975-January 4, 1976
an exhibition presented at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
November 27, 1975 issue
In Love With Times Square
Learning from Las Vegas
by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour
October 18, 1973 issue
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