A Great Art Historian
Gothic vs. Classic: Architectural Projects in Seventeenth-Century Italy
by Rudolf Wittkower
Palladio and Palladianism
by Rudolf Wittkower
April 3, 1975 issue
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A Great Art Historian
Gothic vs. Classic: Architectural Projects in Seventeenth-Century Italy
by Rudolf Wittkower
Palladio and Palladianism
by Rudolf Wittkower
April 3, 1975 issue
Looking Back on Picasso
Picasso: Birth of a Genius
by Juan-Eduardo Cirlot
Picasso: The Artist of the Century
by Jean Leymarie, translated by James Emmons
Picasso on Art
by Dore Ashton
Henri Matisse: Ecrits et propos sur l'art
edited by Dominique Fourcade
Henri Matisse
by Louis Aragon, translated by Jean Stewart
June 14, 1973 issue
Putting Picasso in His Place
Picasso: The Blue and Rose Periods
by Pierre Daix and Georges Boudaille
The Sculpture of Picasso
by Roland Penrose
March 28, 1968 issue
Blake and the Scholars: I
William Blake: Poet, Printer, Prophet
by Geoffrey Keynes
William Blake Poet and Painter: An Introduction to the Illuminated Verse
by Jean H. Hagstrum
Innocence and Experience: An Introduction to Blake
by E.D. Hirsch Jr.
A Blake Bibliography: Annotated Lists of Works, Studies, and Blakeana
by G.E. Bentley Jr. and Martin K. Nurmi
William Blake
by John Middleton Murry
October 28, 1965 issue
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