
Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens (1949–2011) was a British-American journalist and social critic. Known for his confrontational style and contrarian views on a range of social issues, Hitchens was a frequent contributor to The Nation, The Atlantic, The Times Literary Supplement and Vanity Fair. Hitchens recounts his struggle with esophageal cancer in Mortality, which was published in 2012.

Bad Guy Number One

Wainewright the Poisoner: The Confessions of Thomas Griffiths Wainewright

Andrew Motion

May 31, 2001 issue

Lord Trouble

Bosie: A Biography of Lord Alfred Douglas

by Douglas Murray

September 21, 2000 issue

The Case of Arthur Conan Doyle

Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle

by Daniel Stashower

Holy Clues: The Gospel According to Sherlock Holmes

by Stephen Kendrick

November 4, 1999 issue

The Cosmopolitan Man

The Cosmopolitan Man

The Essential Gore Vidal

edited by Fred Kaplan

The Smithsonian Institution: A Novel

by Gore Vidal

April 22, 1999 issue

Last Summer on the Vineyard

Last Summer on the Vineyard

The Gun Runner's Daughter

by Neil Gordon

No Safe Place

by Richard North Patterson

Mackerel By Moonlight

by William F. Weld

December 17, 1998 issue

Powell’s Way

A Dance to the Music of Time

collected in four "movements," by Anthony Powell. A Question of Upbringing (1951). A Buyer's Market (1952). The Acceptance World (1955). At Lady Molly's (1957). Casanova's Chinese Restaurant (1960). The Kindly Ones (1962). The Valley of Bones (1964). The

A Dance to the Music of Time

a seven-hour miniseries adapted by Hugh Whitemore. broadcast in the UK on Channel Four

Journals: 1982-1986

by Anthony Powell

Journals: 1987-1989

by Anthony Powell

Journals: 1989-1992

by Anthony Powell

Miscellaneous Verdicts: Writings on Writers 1946-1989

by Anthony Powell

See all reviewed works
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May 28, 1998 issue

Goodbye to All That

Goodbye to All That

Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life

by Jon Lee Anderson

The Motorcycle Diaries: A Journey Around South America

by Ernesto Che Guevara, translated by Ann Wright

July 17, 1997 issue

Pulp Politics

Pulp Politics

Primary Colors: A Novel of Politics

by Anonymous

The People's Choice: A Cautionary Tale

by Jeff Greenfield

The Last Debate

by Jim Lehrer

February 29, 1996 issue

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