
D.S. Carne-Ross

The Strange Case of Leopardi

The Strange Case of Leopardi

The Moral Essays

by Giacomo Leopardi, translated by Patrick Creagh

Operette Morali: Essays and Dialogues

by Giacomo Leopardi, translated by Giovanni Cecchetti


by Giacomo Leopardi, translated by W. S. Di Piero

A Leopardi Reader

edited and translated by Ottavio Casale

January 29, 1987 issue


The Complete Works of Horace

translated by Charles E. Passage

The Essential Horace: Odes, Epodes, Satires, and Epistles

translated by Burton Raffel, foreword and afterword by W.R. Johnson

May 10, 1984 issue

The Last of the Modernists

The Dying Gaul and Other Writings

by David Jones, edited by Harman Grisewood

Introducing David Jones

edited by John Matthias

October 9, 1980 issue

Cracking the Code

Cracking the Code

After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation

by George Steiner

October 30, 1975 issue

Dante Agonistes

The Divine Comedy, Inferno

by Dante Alighieri, translated, with a commentary and Charles S. Singleton

The Divine Comedy, Purgatorio

by Dante Alighieri, translated, with a commentary and Charles S. Singleton

The Divine Comedy, Paradiso

by Dante Alighieri, translated, with a commentary and Charles S. Singleton

May 1, 1975 issue

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