
Francis Wyndham

Francis Wyndham was born in London in 1924. He graduated from Eton in 1940 and spent a year at Oxford before being drafted into the army in 1942. When it became clear that he was suffering from tuberculosis, he was dismissed from service and returned to London, where he began writing reviews for The Times Literary Supplement and working on the short stories that would later be collected in Out of the War (not published until 1974). During the 1950s he worked as a critic and editor at Queen and in 1964 was hired by The Sunday Times, where he stayed until 1980. He collaborated with David King on Trotsky: A Documentary and is the author of a collection of essays, The Theatre of Embarrassment; a novel, The Other Garden (winner of the 1987 Whitbread First Novel Award); and co-editor of The Letters of Jean Rhys.

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