
Henry David Aiken

The Revolting Academy

Young Radicals: Notes on Committed Youth

by Kenneth Keniston

The Academic Revolution

by Christopher Jencks and David Riesman

July 11, 1968 issue

The American University: Part I

The American University: Part I

The Reforming of General Education

by Daniel Bell

The University in Transition

by James A. Perkins

Bureaucracy in Higher Education

by Herbert Stroup

October 20, 1966 issue


September 8, 1966 issue

Right-wing Existentialists

Creative Fidelity

by Gabriel Marcel, translated, with an Introduction and Robert Rosthal

The Existential Background of Human Dignity

by Gabriel Marcel

Daniel: Dialogues on Realization

by Martin Buber, translated, with an Introduction by Maurice Friedman

August 20, 1964 issue

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