
Wyatt Mason

Wyatt Mason is a contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine and a Writer in Residence at Bard, where he is a Senior Fellow of the Hannah Arendt Center. (September 2022)

Violence and Creativity

An exceptional translator of Pierre Michon’s work has, at last, appeared

Small Lives

by Pierre Michon, translated from the French by Jody Gladding and Elizabeth Deshays

Rimbaud the Son

by Pierre Michon, translated from the French by Jody Gladding and Elizabeth Deshays

The Eleven

by Pierre Michon, translated from the French by Jody Gladding and Elizabeth Deshays

Masters and Servants

by Pierre Michon, translated from the French, illustrated, and with an introduction by Wyatt Mason

The Origin of the World

by Pierre Michon, translated from the French and with an introduction by Wyatt Mason, afterword by Roger Shattuck

Winter Mythologies and Abbots

by Pierre Michon, translated from the French by Ann Jefferson

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September 28, 2017 issue

The Big Beat

The Heart

by Maylis de Kerangal, translated from the French by Sam Taylor

April 21, 2016 issue

Smarter than You Think

Although of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace

by David Lipsky

July 15, 2010 issue

Uncovering Céline

Uncovering Céline

Bagatelles pour un massacre [Trifles for a Massacre]

by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

L'École des cadavres [The School of Corpses]

by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Les Beaux Draps [A Fine Mess]

by Louis-Ferdinand Céline


by Louis-Ferdinand Céline, translated from the French and with an introduction by Marlon Jones

January 14, 2010 issue

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