Hide Fox, and All After
by Rafael Yglesias
by George P. Elliott
Rites of Passage
by Joanne Greenberg
by Alan Friedman
Charlotte Brontë: The Evolution of a Genius
by Winifred Gérin
Emily Brontë
by Winifred Gérin
Antony and Cleopatra (to be released in the United States later this year)
directed by Charlton Heston
directed by Roman Polanski
King Lear
directed by Peter Brook
Notes of a Processed Brother
by Donald Reeves
No Particular Place To Go: The Making of a Free High School
by Steve Bhaerman and Joel Denker
Twelve to Sixteen: Early Adolescence
edited by Stephen R. Graubard
House Decoration in Nubia
by Marian Wenzel
Nuba Personal Art
by James C. Faris
Self-Decoration in Mount Hagen
by Andrew Strathern and Marilyn Strathern
Bangwa Funerary Sculpture
by Robert Brain and Adam Pollock
Russian Literature Triquarterly
edited by Carl R. Proffer, edited by Ellendea Proffer
War Resisters Canada
by Kenneth Fred Emerick
The Superlawyers
by Joseph C. Goulden
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