The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen
translated by David Irving
The General Was a Spy
by Heinz Höhne and Hermann Zolling, translated by Richard Barry
Gehlen, Spy of the Century
by E.H. Cookridge
Project for a Revolution in New York
by Alain Robbe-Grillet, translated by Richard Howard
Catch the Falling Flag
by Richard J. Whalen
National Security Study Memorandum No. 1: The Situation in Vietnam
Playing and Reality
by D.W. Winnicott
Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry
by D.W. Winnicott
André Breton: Magus of Surrealism
by Anna Balakian
The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp
by Arturo Schwarz
Provisional Conclusions
by Eugenio Montale, translated by Edith Farnsworth
by Eugenio Montale, translated by G. Singh
The Butterfly of Dinard
by Eugenio Montale, translated by G. Singh
Doctor Brodie's Report
by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni
Selected Poems 1923-1967
by Jorge Luis Borges, edited by Norman Thomas di Giovanni. a bilingual edition
"Peinture Romantique Anglaise"
Petit Palais (Paris) Winter/Spring, 1972
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