
Our Man in Pullach

The Service: The Memoirs of General Reinhard Gehlen

translated by David Irving

The General Was a Spy

by Heinz Höhne and Hermann Zolling, translated by Richard Barry

Gehlen, Spy of the Century

by E.H. Cookridge

Refrigerated Dreams

Project for a Revolution in New York

by Alain Robbe-Grillet, translated by Richard Howard

I.F. Stone Reports: Nixon’s War Gamble and Why It Won’t Work

Catch the Falling Flag

by Richard J. Whalen

National Security Study Memorandum No. 1: The Situation in Vietnam

A Great Mother’s Helper

Playing and Reality

by D.W. Winnicott

Therapeutic Consultations in Child Psychiatry

by D.W. Winnicott

The Dada-Surrealist Expedition: Part II

André Breton: Magus of Surrealism

by Anna Balakian

The Complete Works of Marcel Duchamp

by Arturo Schwarz


Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies

by Reyner Banham

The Poetry of Montale

Provisional Conclusions

by Eugenio Montale, translated by Edith Farnsworth


by Eugenio Montale, translated by G. Singh

The Butterfly of Dinard

by Eugenio Montale, translated by G. Singh

Borges’s Surprise!

Doctor Brodie's Report

by Jorge Luis Borges, translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni

Selected Poems 1923-1967

by Jorge Luis Borges, edited by Norman Thomas di Giovanni. a bilingual edition

Harrisburg: The Politics of Salvation

By 1970 Sister Elizabeth McAlister, a devout nun in the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary and an art history teacher at Marymount College, had been transformed by the recent revolution in the Church and the political turbulence of the 1960s. Then in 1970, she was arrested for allegedly conspiring to kidnap Henry Kissinger.

The English Invade Paris

"Peinture Romantique Anglaise"

Petit Palais (Paris) Winter/Spring, 1972

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