Billy Graham: A Parable of American Righteousness
by Marshall Frady
Billy Graham: Evangelist to the World
by John Pollock
Angels: God's Secret Agents
by Billy Graham
Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery
by Leon F. Litwack
The Letters of Lewis Carroll Vol. I: 1837-1885 Vol. II: 1886-1898
edited by Morton N. Cohen, with the assistance of Roger Lancelyn Green
Lewis Carroll, Photographer of Children: Four Nude Studies
by Morton N. Cohen
Nostalgia for the Present
by Andrei Voznesensky and Vera Dunham, edited by Max Hayward
The Making and Unmaking of a Soviet Writer
by Anatoly Gladilin, translated by David Lapeza
directed by Woody Allen
directed by Woody Allen
Annie Hall
directed by Woody Allen
Guerriglia e guerra rivoluzionaria in Italia [Guerrilla Warfare and Revolutionary War in Italy]
by Sabino S. Acquaviva
II seme religioso della rivolta [The Religious Seed of Revolt]
by Sabino S. Acquaviva
Marx oltre Marx: Quaderno di lavoro sui Grundrisse [Marx Beyond Marx: A Workbook on the Grundrisse]
by Antonio Negri
La fabbrica della strategia: 33 lezioni su Lenin [The Factory of Strategy: 33 Lectures on Lenin]
by Antonio Negri
II dominio e il sabotaggio: Sul methodo marxista della trasformazione sociale [Domination and Sabotage: On the Marxist Method of Social Transformation]
by Antonio Negri
Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry (The Sather Classical Lectures, Vol. 46)
by Emily Vermeule
Darwin and the Mysterious Mr. X: New Light on the Evolutionists
by Loren Eiseley
The Road to Khartoum: A Life of General Charles Gordon
by Charles Chenevix Trench
Exhibition catalogue by John Wilton-Ely
Piranesi: The Early Architectural Fantasies 1978-October 1, 1978
exhibition at the National Gallery of Art (Washington, DC), June 1,
Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Drawings in the Pierpont Morgan Library
by Felice Stampfle
Piranesi: Incisioni, rami, legature, architetturae
Exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Venice), edited by Alessandro Bettagno
Disegni di Giambattista Piranesi
Exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Giorgio Cini (Venice), edited by Alessandro Bettagno
Piranèse et les français, colloque tenu à la Villa Médicis
edited by Georges Brunel
by Jonathan Scott
by Nicholas Penny
The Mind and Art of Giovanni Battista Piranesi
by John Wilton-Ely
Archäologie des Traums: Versuch über Giovanni Battista Piranesi
by Norbert Miller
Rome: The Biography of Its Architecture from Bernini to Thorvaldsen
by Christian Elling
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