'Children Under the Law' (1974)
reprinted as the lead article in The Rights of Children, edited by Rochelle Beck and Heather Bastow Weiss
'Children's Policies: Abandonment and Neglect'
'Children's Rights: A Legal Perspective'
in Children's Rights: Contemporary Perspectives, edited by Patricia A. Vardin and Ilene N. Brody
'Teacher Education: Of the People, By the People, and For the People' on Teacher Education Policies, Practices, and Research
in Beyond the Looking Glass: Papers From a National Symposium
'The Healthy Development of Our Youth' Foundations, 1988
Keynote Address to the Atlanta Convention of Southeastern Council of
'A Bridge Over the Mississippi' Memphis State University, 1990 Kansas Work Force, 1991
Keynote Address to the Second Annual Urban Education Symposium at. Keynote Address to the Conference on Adult Basic Skills and the
Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
by Jung Chang
Voices from the Whirlwind: An Oral History of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
edited by Feng Jicai, foreword by Robert Coles
My Soul's High Song: The Collected Writings of Countee Cullen, Voice of the Harlem Renaissance
edited by Gerald Early
Géricault January 6, 1992
An exhibition at the Grand Palais, Paris, October 10, 1991 to
catalog of the exhibition by Régis Michel and Sylvain Laveissière and Bruno Chenique
by German Bazin
Alva Myrdal: A Daughter's Memoir
by Sissela Bok
by Jan Myrdal, translated by Christine Swanson
Who Lives? Who Dies? Ethical Criteria in Patient Selection
by John F. Kilner
Strong Medicine: The Ethical Rationing of Health Care
by Paul T. Menzel
What Kind of Life: The Limits of Medical Progress
by Daniel Callahan
Setting Limits: Medical Goals in an Aging Society
by Daniel Callahan
Just Doctoring: Medical Ethics in the Liberal State
by Troyen A. Brennan
Patrimony: A True Story
by Philip Roth
by Andrew H. Malcolm
Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying
by Derek Humphry
West of Everything: The Inner Life of Westerns
by Jane Tompkins
Western Films: A Complete Guide
by Brian Garfield
Box-Office Buckaroos: The Cowboy Hero from the Wild West Show to the Silver Screen
by Robert Heide and John Gilman
The BFI Companion to the Western
edited by Edward Buscombe, forward by Richard Schickel
The Western
edited by Phil Hardy
The Romanians: A History
by Vlad Georgescu, edited by Matei Calinescu, translated by Alexandra Bley-Vroman, epilogue by Matei Calinescu and Vladimir Tismaneanu
Jagendorf's Foundry: Memoir of the Romanian Holocaust, 1941–-1944
by Siegfried Jagendorf, introduction and commentaries by Aron Hirt-Manheimer
'Kiss the Hand You Cannot Bite': The Rise and Fall of the Ceausescus
by Edward Behr, foreword by Ryszard Kapuscinski
National Ideology Under Socialism: Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu's Romania
by Katherine Verdery
The Fall of Tyrants: The Incredible Story of One Pastor's Witness, the People of Romania, and the Overthrow of Ceausescu
by Laszlo Tokes, with David Porter
The Hole in the Flag: A Romanian Exile's Story of Return and Revolution
by Andrei Codrescu
Romania: The Entangled Revolution International Studies, Praeger
by Nestor Ratesh, foreword by Edward N. Luttwak
Since the Revolution: Human Rights in Romania
Epic Singers and Oral Tradition
by Albert Bates Lord
Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet
by Barry B. Powell
Cadmean Letters: The Transmission of the Alphabet to the Aegean and Further West Before 1400 B.C.
by Martin Bernal
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