
Sickert’s Theater

Degas, Sickert and Toulouse-Lautrec: London and Paris, 1870–1910

Catalog of the exhibition by Anna Gruetzner Robins and Richard Thomson

Walter Sickert: A Life

by Matthew Sturgis

Flaubert, C’est Moi

Flaubert: A Biography

by Frederick Brown

Bouvard and Pécuchet

by Gustave Flaubert, translated from the French by Mark Polizzotti, with a preface by Raymond Queneau

The Rich and Everyone Else

Class Matters

by correspondents of The New York Times, with an introduction by Bill Keller

Inequality Matters: The Growing Economic Divide in America and Its Poisonous Consequences

edited by James Lardner and David A. Smith

The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton

by Jerome Karabel

Forbes 400: The Richest People in America

2005 Edition

Individual Income Tax Returns

Internal Revenue Service

Mozart at 250


by Julian Rushton

Mozart and His Operas

by David Cairns

The Faber Pocket Guide to Mozart

by Nicholas Kenyon

The Cambridge Mozart Encyclopedia

edited by Cliff Eisen and Simon P. Keefe

The Spanish Tragedy


by Antonio Muñoz Molina, translated from the Spanish by Margaret Sayers Peden

They’ll Take Their Stand

Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World

by David Brion Davis

The Mind of the Master Class: History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders' Worldview

by Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Eugene D. Genovese

Rumors of a Coup

The Successor

by Ismail Kadare, translated from the French of Tedi Papavrami by David Bellos

Spring Flowers, Spring Frost

translated from the French of Jusuf Vrioni by David Bellos

The Pyramid

translated from the French of Jusuf Vrioni by David Bellos, in consultation with the author

The Three-Arched Bridge

translated from the Albanian by John Hodgson

The Palace of Dreams

translated from the French of Jusuf Vrioni by Barbara Bray

The Concert

translated from the French of Jusuf Vrioni by Barbara Bray

Elegy for Kosovo

translated from the Albanian by Peter Constantine

See all reviewed works
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The Secrets of the Bomb

Spying on the Bomb: American Nuclear Intelligence from Nazi Germany to Iran and North Korea

by Jeffrey T. Richelson

Progressive but Not Liberal

Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics

by Michael J. Sandel

Notes from Underground

The Medici Conspiracy: The Illicit Journey of Looted Antiquities, from Italy's Tomb Raiders to the World's Greatest Museums

by Peter Watson and Cecilia Todeschini

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