A Veil of Silence: Women and Sound in Renaissance Italy
by Julia Rombough
a documentary film directed by Errol Morris
Cosmic Connections: Poetry in the Age of Disenchantment
by Charles Taylor
The Kings of Algiers: How Two Jewish Families Shaped the Mediterranean World During the Napoleonic Wars and Beyond
by Julie Kalman
How Not to Be a Politician
by Rory Stewart
The Last of Its Kind: The Search for the Great Auk and the Discovery of Extinction
by Gísli Pálsson
Broken Archangel: The Tempestuous Lives of Roger Casement
by Roland Philipps
The Third Reich of Dreams: The Nightmares of a Nation
by Charlotte Beradt, translated from the German by Damion Searls, with a foreword by Dunya Mikhail
The Court at War: FDR, His Justices, and the World They Made
by Cliff Sloan
Series art
Sol Cotti: Morphology, 2024
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