
The Robert B. Silvers Lectures

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Jori Klein/New York Public Library

Robert B. Silvers

The Robert B. Silvers Lecture is an annual series at the New York Public Library, created by Max Palevsky in recognition of the work of Robert B. Silvers, editor of The New York Review of Books, of which he was a founder in 1963. The series features writers and thinkers whose fields correspond to the broad range of Mr. Silvers’s interests in literature, the arts, politics, economics, history, and the sciences. This year’s lecturer is Lorrie Moore.

Recordings of some of the past lectures in the series are featured below.

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New York Public Library

Darryl Pinckney

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Sarah Stacke/New York Public Library

Mary Beard

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Jori Klein/New York Public Library

Derek Walcott

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Peter Foley/New York Public Library

Oliver Sacks

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Peter Foley/New York Public Library

Zadie Smith

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Peter Foley/New York Public Library

Nicholas Kristof

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New York Public Library

Daniel Mendelsohn

Previous Robert B. Silvers Lectures:

Michael Kimmelman: “The Dilemma of the New” (2005)

Ian Buruma: “Dictators: Their Allure and Their Future” (2004)

J. M. Coetzee: “As a Woman Grows Older” (2003)

Joan Didion: “Fixed Opinions, or The Hinge of History” (2002)

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