The Shame of America
The Persistence of the Color Line: Racial Politics and the Obama Presidency
by Randall Kennedy
Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock
by David Margolick
January 12, 2012 issue
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Anthony Lewis, a former columnist for The New York Times, has twice won the Pulitzer Prize. His latest book is Freedom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biography of the First Amendment.
The Shame of America
The Persistence of the Color Line: Racial Politics and the Obama Presidency
by Randall Kennedy
Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock
by David Margolick
January 12, 2012 issue
The Most Skillful Liberal
Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion
by Seth Stern and Stephen Wermiel
April 7, 2011 issue
How the Supreme Court Should and Should Not Work
Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View
by Stephen Breyer
November 11, 2010 issue
A Supreme Difference
American Original: The Life and Constitution of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
by Joan Biskupic
John Paul Stevens: An Independent Life
by Bill Barnhart and Gene Schlickman
June 10, 2010 issue
Justice Holmes and the ‘Splendid Prisoner’
Democracy's Prisoner: Eugene V. Debs, the Great War, and the Right to Dissent
by Ernest Freeberg
July 2, 2009 issue
Shall We Get Rid of the Lawyers?
Life Without Lawyers: Liberating Americans from Too Much Law
by Philip K. Howard
April 9, 2009 issue
Official American Sadism
Guantanamo: Beyond the Law
a series of five articles by Tom Lasseter
The Challenge: Hamdan v. Rumsfeld and the Fight over Presidential Power
by Jonathan Mahler
Broken Laws, Broken Lives: Medical Evidence of Torture by US Personnel and Its Impact
a report by Physicians for Human Rights, with a preface byMajor General Antonio M. Taguba
September 25, 2008 issue
The Court: How ‘So Few Have So Quickly Changed So Much’
The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court
by Jeffrey Toobin
December 20, 2007 issue
Demagogue Without a Cause
Shooting Star: The Brief Arc of Joe McCarthy
by Tom Wicker
June 8, 2006 issue
Woman in the Middle
Sandra Day O'Connor: How the First Woman on the Supreme Court Became Its Most Influential Justice
by Joan Biskupic
April 6, 2006 issue
Privilege & the Press
Speaking Freely: Trials of the First Amendment
by Floyd Abrams
July 14, 2005 issue
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