
Lewis Lockwood

Lewis Lockwood is an Emeritus Professor of Music at ­Harvard and Co-Director of the Boston University Center for Beethoven Research. His new book, Beethoven’s Lives, will be published in September.
 (March 2020)

Beethoven’s Empire of the Mind

Beethoven’s Empire of the Mind

Beethoven’s Conversation Books, Volume 1: Nos. 1 to 8 (February 1818 to March 1820)

translated from the German and edited by Theodore Albrecht

Beethoven’s Conversation Books, Volume 2: Nos. 9 to 16 (March 1820 to September 1820)

translated from the German and edited by Theodore Albrecht

March 26, 2020 issue

Beethoven Beyond Classicism

Beethoven Beyond Classicism

Late Beethoven: Music, Thought, Imagination

by Maynard Solomon

Beethoven's Ninth: A Political History

by Esteban Buch, translated from the French by Richard Miller

July 17, 2003 issue

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