
Richard Wollheim

Poussin in Texas

Poussin, The Early Years in Rome: The Origins of French Classicism September 24–November 27, 1988.

an exhibition at the Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas,, Catalog of the exhibition by Konrad Oberhuber, foreword by Edmund P. Pillsbury

November 24, 1988 issue

The Professor Knows

Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities

by Stanley Fish

December 17, 1981 issue

The Cabinet of Dr. Lacan

The Cabinet of Dr. Lacan

Ecrits: A Selection

by Jacques Lacan, translated by Alan Sheridan

The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis

by Jacques Lacan, edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, translated by Alan Sheridan

Jacques Lacan

by Anika Lemaire, preface by Jacques Lacan, translated by David Macey

January 25, 1979 issue

Art & Life With the Rich

Self-Portrait with Donors: Confessions of an Art Collector

by John Walker

Another Part of the Wood: A Self-Portrait

by Kenneth Clark

May 1, 1975 issue

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