
Tim Flannery

Tim Flannery

Tim Flannery’s books include Among the Islands: Adventures in the Pacific, Europe: A Natural History, and, with Emma Flannery, Big Meg: The Story of the Largest and Most Mysterious Predator That Ever Lived, which was published this year. (December 2024)

Out of Savannastan

Out of Savannastan

A new book provides convincing evidence that our earliest direct ancestors evolved in Europe, and that they were walking upright as early as six million years ago. But it is overly confident in its challenge to the idea that the genus Homo arose in Africa.

Ancient Bones: Unearthing the Astonishing New Story of How We Became Human

by Madelaine Böhme, Rüdiger Braun, and Florian Breier, translated from the German by Jane Billinghurst and with a foreword by David R. Begun

November 4, 2021 issue

The First Mean Streets

The First Mean Streets

Cities: The First 6,000 Years

by Monica L. Smith

Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States

by James C. Scott

March 12, 2020 issue

The Tree Whisperers

The Plant Messiah: Adventures in Search of the World’s Rarest Species

by Carlos Magdalena

Wilding: The Return of Nature to a British Farm

by Isabella Tree

May 24, 2018 issue

Raised by Wolves

Raised by Wolves

Humans and dogs have been companions for at least 30,000 years

The First Domestication: How Wolves and Humans Coevolved

by Raymond Pierotti and Brandy R. Fogg

What It’s Like to Be a Dog: And Other Adventures in Animal Neuroscience

by Gregory Berns

How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog): Visionary Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution

by Lee Alan Dugatkin and Lyudmila Trut

April 5, 2018 issue

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