To the Editors:
The Translation Committee of the American Center of PEN in conjunction with the School of Arts at Columbia University is offering a number of Translation Fellowships to enable writers interested in translation to perfect their knowledge of the language they are studying.
The Translation Fellowships, which in certain circumstances are renewable, carry with them an annual grant of $10,000.
They will be given to American writers of proven excellence who have the desire to work seriously in the field of translation. Special consideration will be given to writers who have some knowledge of the more difficult languages like Chinese, Japanese, Persian, Tibetan, Nepalese, Tamil, Bengali, Thai, Burmese, and the African languages.
The Fellowships are being offered in the conviction that the first requirement of a translator is the ability to write English with strength and grace.
Applications should be sent to: Mrs. Kirsten Michalski, Executive Secretary, American Center of PEN, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.
Frank MacShane
School of Arts
Columbia University
Robert Payne
Translation Committee
This Issue
September 21, 1972