To the Editors:

In honor of Austin Warren’s 75th birthday on July 4, 1974, Harvey Gross and Myron Simon are preparing a Festschrift volume. Titled Teacher and Critic: Essays by and about Austin Warren, the volume will contain memoirs, appraisals, and tributes by René Wellek, Wallace Fowlie, Sherman Paul, Robert Penn Warren, W.K. Wimsatt, Glauco Cambon, Irving Howe, Philip Young, Leonard Unger, Joe Lee Davis, and others. It will also contain several previously uncollected essays by Warren in the form of reminiscences and credos; together with a full bibliography of Warren’s writings and a number of photographs.

The volume is being published by the Plantin Press, one of the country’s finest art presses, in a limited edition of 500 copies. Individuals and institutions may subscribe at a cost of $12.50. A List of Subscribers will be included in the volume. Checks should be made out to the Warren Festschrift, and mailed to: Warren Festschrift, Department of English & Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92664.

Harvey Gross

University of California, Irvine

This Issue

May 16, 1974