In response to:
The New Romantics from the May 29, 1986 issue
To the Editors:
While The New York Review of Books is a constant source of erudite information on such diverse topics as Cellini, Nicaragua, Yalta and John le Carré, as your May 29, 1986, issue so aptly demonstrates, it still lacks enlightenment in one seminal force in world culture: rock-and-roll. Darryl Pinckney’s review of Less Than Zero, by Bret Easton Ellis, misstates that the title of this work derives from a song on Elvis Costello’s fifth album. Trust. Rather, this song can be found on Elvis Costello’s first album, My Aim is True. I hope that the next time he peruses Tower Records, Mr. Pinckney will take the trouble to distinguish between the King of America’s early studio efforts.
Evan J. Charkes
New York, New York
Darryl Pinckney replies:
Gimme a break.
This Issue
August 14, 1986