
Aileen Kelly

Aileen Kelly is a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. Her books include Toward Another Shore: Russian Thinkers Between Necessity and Chance.

Why They Believed in Stalin

Tear Off the Masks! Identity and Imposture in Twentieth-Century Russia

by Sheila Fitzpatrick

Revolution on My Mind: Writing a Diary Under Stalin

by Jochen Hellbeck

April 26, 2007 issue

A Great Russian Prophet

A Great Russian Prophet

The Word That Causes Death's Defeat: Poems of Memory

by Anna Akhmatova,translated from the Russian, with an introductory biography, critical essays, and commentary and Nancy K. Anderson

November 3, 2005 issue

In the Promised Land

Thank You, Comrade Stalin! Soviet Public Culture from Revolution to Cold War

by Jeffrey Brooks

Stalinism as a Way of Life: A Narrative in Documents

by Lewis Siegelbaum and Andrei Sokolov

November 29, 2001 issue

The Secret Sharer

The Secret Sharer

Things That Happened

by Volume 19. Glas New Russian Writing and Boris Slutsky, edited, translated, and with an introduction and commentaries by G.S. Smith

Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary Life in Extraordinary Times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s

by Sheila Fitzpatrick

March 9, 2000 issue

The Russian Sphinx

The Russian Sphinx

Russia Under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum

by Martin Malia

May 20, 1999 issue

The Sphinx of Russia

Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian Village

by Serge Schmemann

October 8, 1998 issue

Chekhov the Subversive

Anton Chekhov's Life and Thought: Selected Letters and Commentary

Translated from the Russian by Michael Henry Heim. with Simon Karlinsky, introduction and commentary by Simon Karlinsky

Chekhov's Plays: An Opening into Eternity

by Richard Gilman

Anton Chekhov: A Life

by Donald Rayfield

November 6, 1997 issue

Brave New Worlds

Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution

by Richard Stites

Revolution and Culture: The Bogdanov-Lenin Controversy

by Zenovia A. Sochor

December 6, 1990 issue

Leonard Schapiro’s Russia

Russian Studies

by Leonard Schapiro, edited by Ellen Dahrendorf, introduction by Harry Willetts

September 24, 1987 issue

Man in the Middle

Man in the Middle

Who Is to Blame?

by Alexander Herzen, translated by Michael R. Katz

December 19, 1985 issue

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