
Alfred Kazin

Alfred Kazin (1915–1998) was a writer and teacher. Among his books are On Native Grounds, a study of American literature from Howells to Faulkner, and the memoirs A Walker in the Cityand New York Jew. In 1996, he received the first Lifetime Award in Literary Criticism from the Truman Capote Literary Trust.

Laughter in the Dark

Shadows on the Hudson

by Isaac Bashevis Singer, Translated from the Yiddish by Joseph Sherman

Isaac Bashevis Singer: A Life

by Janet Hadda

April 23, 1998 issue

A Single Jew

Talking Horse: Bernard Malamud on Life and Work

edited by Alan Cheuse and Nicholas Delbanco

The Complete Stories

by Bernard Malamud, edited and introduced by Robert Giroux

October 9, 1997 issue

Escape Artist

The Book of Intimate Grammar

by David Grossman, translated by Betsy Rosenberg

December 22, 1994 issue

Love at Harvard

Love at Harvard

Love's Story Told: A Life of Henry A. Murray

by Forrest G. Robinson

January 28, 1993 issue

The Middle Way

Memories of the Ford Administration

by John Updike

December 17, 1992 issue

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