
Anthony Quinton

Anthony Quinton (1925–2010) was a British philosopher. Quinton served as president of Trinity College, Oxford and as chairman of the British Library. His works include The Nature of Things, Hume, and From Wodehouse to Wittgenstein.

My Son the Philosopher

The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change

by Randall Collins

April 8, 1999 issue

A Master Materialist

La Mettrie: Medicine, Philosophy, and Enlightenment

by Kathleen Wellman

March 25, 1993 issue

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff

Alfred North Whitehead: The Man and His Work Volume I: 1861–1910

by Victor Lowe

December 5, 1985 issue

Know It All

The New Columbia Encyclopedia

edited by William H. Harris, edited by Judith S. Levey

February 3, 1977 issue

Spreading Hegel’s Wings—II


by Raymond Plant

Hegel's Political Philosophy

edited by Walter Kaufmann

Hegel's Political Philosophy: Problems and Perspectives

edited by Z.A. Pelczynski

Hegel's Philosophy of History

by Burleigh Taylor Wilkins

Hegel's Theory of the Modern State

by Shlomo Avineri

Introduction to the Reading of Hegel

by Alexandre Kojève, edited by Allan Bloom, translated by James H. Nichols Jr.

The Young Hegelians

by William J. Brazill

The American Hegelians: An Intellectual Episode in the History of Western America

by William H. Goetzmann

From Marx to Hegel

by George Lichtheim

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June 12, 1975 issue

Spreading Hegel’s Wings

Introduction to the Reading of Hegel

by Alexandre Kojève, edited by Allan Bloom, translated by James H. Nichols Jr.

Studies on Marx and Hegel

by Jean Hyppolite, translated by John O'Neill

Hegel: A Collection of Critical Essays

edited by Alasdair MacIntyre

Hegel's Theory of the Modern State

by Shlomo Avineri


by Raymond Plant

Introduction to Hegel's Metaphysics

by Ivan Soll

Hegel's Idea of Philosophy

by Quentin J. Lauer S.J.

Hegel's Concept of Experience

by Martin Heidegger, translated by Albert Hofstadter

The Religious Dimension in Hegel's Thought

by Emil Fackenheim

Hegel's Science of Logic

translated by A.V. Miller

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May 29, 1975 issue

Rational American

The Philosophy of C.I. Lewis

edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp

Values and Imperatives

by C.I. Lewis

Collected Papers of C.I. Lewis

edited by J. Goheen, edited by J. Mothershead

Analytic Philosophy of Knowledge

by Arthur C. Danto

The Possibility of Altruism

by Thomas Nagel

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July 23, 1970 issue

Locker Room Metaphysics

Sport: A Philosophic Inquiry

by Paul Weiss

Man, Sport and Existence: A Critical Analysis

by Howard S. Slusher

August 21, 1969 issue

Philosopher, Inc.

Philosopher, Inc.

The Conditions of Philosophy

by Mortimer J. Adler

The Difference of Man and the Difference It Makes

by Mortimer J. Adler

November 21, 1968 issue

Philosophy in a Cold Climate


by Tadeusz Kotarbinski, translated by Olgierd Wojtasiewicz


by Tadeusz Kotarbinski, translated by Olgierd Wojtasiewicz

Polish Analytical Philosophy

by Henryk Skolimowski

Philosophy and Ideology

by Z.A. Jordan

A Philosophy of Man

by Adam Schaff

The Alienation of Reason

by Leszek Kolakowski

Der Mensch Ohne Alternative

by Leszek Kolakowski

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April 25, 1968 issue

Cut-Rate Salvation

Cut-Rate Salvation

McLuhan: Hot and Cool
A Critical Symposium

edited by G.E. Stearn

The Medium Is the Massage

by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore

The Mechanical Bride

by Marshall McLuhan

November 23, 1967 issue

Hobbes in One Piece

Hobbes in One Piece

Hobbes's System of Ideas

by J.W.N. Watkins

Hobbes's Science of Politics

by M.M. Goldsmith

Hobbes Studies

edited by Keith C. Brown

May 18, 1967 issue

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