
Bernard Knox

Bernard Knox (1914–2010) was an English classicist. He was the first director of Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington, DC. Among his many books are The Heroic Temper, The Oldest Dead White European Males, and Backing into the Future: The Classical Tradition and Its Renewal. He is the editor of The Norton Book of Classical Literature and wrote the introductions and notes for Robert Fagles’s translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey.

Love in Hell


by Dante Alighieri, a verse translation from the Italianby Robert Hollander and Jean Hollander

Dante: A Life in Works

by Robert Hollander


by R.W.B. Lewis

November 15, 2001 issue

Liberating a Masterpiece

Jerusalem Delivered (Gerusalemme liberata)

Torquato Tasso, edited and translated from the Italian by Anthony M. Esolen

May 17, 2001 issue

Stairway to Heaven


by Dante Alighieri, translated by W.S. Merwin

September 21, 2000 issue

Virgil the Great

Virgil's Epic Designs: Ekphrasis in the Aeneid

by Michael C.J. Putnam

Virgil: His Life and Times

by Peter Levi

Virgil's Experience: Nature and History; Times, Names, and Places

by Richard Jenkyns

November 18, 1999 issue

Genius Con Brio

The Charterhouse of Parma

by Stendhal, translated by Richard Howard

September 23, 1999 issue

Playboy of the Roman World

The Poet and the Prince: Ovid and Augustan Discourse

by Alessandro Barchiesi

After Ovid: New Metamorphoses

edited by Michael Hoffman and James Lasdun

Tales from Ovid

by Ted Hughes

The Metamorphoses of Ovid

translated freely into verse by David R. Slavitt

January 15, 1998 issue

The Crack in the Teacup

W.H. Auden: Prose and Travel Books in Prose and Verse, Volume I, 1926-1938

edited by Edward Mendelson

April 10, 1997 issue

Victims and Executioners

Victims and Executioners

The Jews: History, Memory and the Present

by Pierre Vidal-Naquet, translated and edited by David Ames Curtis

October 31, 1996 issue

Our Dante

The Inferno of Dante

A New Verse Translation by Robert Pinsky, bilingual edition, illustrated by Michael Mazur, with notes by Nicole Pinsky, foreword by John Freccero

October 19, 1995 issue

Poets of the Spanish Tragedy

Edwin Rolfe: Collected Poems

edited by Cary Nelson, edited by Jefferson Hendricks, introduction and notes by Cary Nelson

Edwin Rolfe: A Biographical Essay and Guide to the Rolfe Archive at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

by Cary Nelson and Jefferson Hendricks

A Moment of War: A Memoir of the Spanish Civil War

by Laurie Lee

December 22, 1994 issue

In Another Country

Fallen Sparrows: The International Brigades in the Spanish Civil War

by Michael Jackson

The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

by Peter N. Carroll

Prisoners of the Good Fight: The Spanish Civil War, 1936–1938

by Carl Geiser, preface by Robert G. Colodny

Remembering Spain: Hemingway's Civil War Eulogy and the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade

edited by Cary Nelson, essays by Milton Wolff and Cary Nelson. includes a tape of Hemingway's recording of the eulogy

Another Hill: An Autobiographical Novel

by Milton Wolff

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December 1, 1994 issue

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