
Bernard Lewis

Bernard Lewis is Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies Emeritus at Princeton. His most recent books are Music of a Distant Drum and What Went Wrong: Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response. (May 2002)

At Stake in the Gulf

Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf

by Judith Miller and Laurie Mylroie

December 20, 1990 issue

How Khomeini Made It

The Reign of the Ayatollahs: Iran and the Islamic Revolution

by Shaul Bakhash

January 17, 1985 issue

The Revolt of Islam

The Revolt of Islam

L'Islam et l'état dans le monde d'aujourd'hui

edited by Olivier Carré

Faith and Power: The Politics of Islam

by Edward Mortimer

Islam and Modernity: Transformation of an Intellectual Tradition

by Fazlur Rahman

Lectures du Coran

by Mohammed Arkoun

Modern Islamic Political Thought

by Hamid Enayat

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June 30, 1983 issue

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