
Bernard Williams

Bernard Williams (1929–2003) was Deutsch Professor of Philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. His books include *Problems of the Self*, *Moral Luck*, *Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy*, and *Truth and Truthfulness*.

The Riddle of Umberto Eco

The Riddle of Umberto Eco

The Limits of Interpretation

by Umberto Eco

Interpretation and Overinterpretation

by Umberto Eco and Richard Rorty and Jonathan Culler and Christine Brooke-Rose, edited by Stefan Collini

Six Walks in the Fictional Woods

by Umberto Eco

Apocalypse Postponed

by Umberto Eco, translated and edited by Robert Lumley


by Umberto Eco, translated by William Weaver

How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays

by Umberto Eco, translated by William Weaver

See all reviewed works
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February 2, 1995 issue


Consequences of Pragmatism (Essays 1972-1980)

by Richard Rorty

April 28, 1983 issue

Where Chomsky Stands

Reflections on Language

by Noam Chomsky

On Noam Chomsky: Critical Essays

edited by Gilbert Harman

November 11, 1976 issue

The Passions of Bertrand Russell

The Passions of Bertrand Russell

The Life of Bertrand Russell

by Ronald W. Clark

The Tamarisk Tree: My Quest for Liberty and Love

by Dora Russell

My Father Bertrand Russell

by Katharine Tait

Bertrand Russell

by A.J. Ayer

March 4, 1976 issue

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