
Carolina A. Miranda

Carolina A. Miranda is the art and design columnist at the Los Angeles Times. She was a winner of the 2017 Rabkin Prize in Visual Arts Journalism. (July 2023)

‘Places That Weren’t Supposed to Be Places’

‘Places That Weren’t Supposed to Be Places’

Three exhibitions of Caribbean art in New York, San Juan, and Chicago show artists intent on rewriting the history of the region.

no existe un mundo poshuracán: Puerto Rican Art in the Wake of Hurricane Maria

an exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City, November 23, 2022–April 23, 2023

Forecast Form: Art in the Caribbean Diaspora, 1990s–Today

an exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, November 19, 2022–April 23, 2023; the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, October 5, 2023–February 24, 2024; and the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, April 6–July 8, 2024

Tropical Is Political: Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime

an exhibition at the Americas Society, New York City, September 7–December 17, 2022; and the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, February 18–July 30, 2023

July 20, 2023 issue

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