
C.B.A. Behrens

C. B. A. Behrens (1904–1989) was a British historian of Europe. She was the author of The Ancien Régime and Society, Government and the Enlightenment.

How Did the Germans Do It?

The Age of German Liberation, 1795-1815

by Friedrich Meinecke, edited with an introduction by Peter Paret, translated by Peter Paret and Helmuth Fischer

Bread, Politics and Political Economy in the Reign of Louis XV

by Steven L. Kaplan

May 4, 1978 issue

Porn, Propaganda, and the Enlightenment

Porn, Propaganda, and the Enlightenment

The Widening Circle: Essays on the Circulation of Literature in Eighteenth-Century Europe

by Robert Darnton and Bernhard Fabian and Roy McKeen Wiles, edited by Paul J. Korshin

Priest and Parish in Eighteenth-Century France: A Social and Political Study of the Curés in the Diocese of Dauphiné, 1750-1791

by Timothy Tackett

Lafayette: A Biography

by Peter Buckman

September 29, 1977 issue

Counter Revolutionaries

The Counter-Revolution, Doctrine and Action, 1789-1804

by Jacques Godechot, translated by Salvator Attanasio

Power, Property and History

by Joseph Barnave, translated and edited by Emanuel Chill

History in Geographic Perspective: The Other France

by E.W. Fox

January 27, 1972 issue

Making the Revolution

The French Revolution

by François Furet and Denis Richet, translated by Stephen Hardman

A Second Identity

by Richard Cobb

The Police and the People: French Popular Protest 1789-1820

by Richard Cobb

March 25, 1971 issue

Looking for Louis

Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen

by Pierre Goubert, translated by Anne Carter

The Age of Louis XIV

by Pierre Gaxotte, translated by Michael Shaw

The Affair of the Poisons

by Frances Mossiker

July 23, 1970 issue

Looking for the Ancien Régime

Paris in the Age of Absolutism

by Orest Ranum

French Absolutism: The Crucial Phase 1620-1629

by A.D. Lublinskaya, translated by Brian Pearce, with a Foreword by J.H. Elliott

L'Ancien Régime Vol. 1, La Société

by Pierre Goubert

January 1, 1970 issue

Spirit of the Terror

Spirit of the Terror

La 1ère République

by Albert Soboul

Annales Historiques de la Révolution Française

English Historians on the French Revolution

by Hedva Ben-Israel

February 27, 1969 issue

The Great Society

The Great Society

The Sun King

by Nancy Mitford

At the Court of Versailles

by Gilette Ziegler

October 6, 1966 issue

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