Mindless Societies
Sociobiology: The New Synthesis
by Edward O. Wilson
Biogenetic Structuralism
by Charles D. Laughlin Jr. and Eugene G. d'Aquili
August 7, 1975 issue
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Mindless Societies
Sociobiology: The New Synthesis
by Edward O. Wilson
Biogenetic Structuralism
by Charles D. Laughlin Jr. and Eugene G. d'Aquili
August 7, 1975 issue
The Mystery of the Libidinous Molecule
Life: The Unfinished Experiment
by S.E. Luria
Animal Architecture
by Karl von Frisch, with the collaboration of Otto von Frisch, translated by Lisbeth Gombrich
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology-Watcher
by Lewis Thomas
November 28, 1974 issue
A Matter of Life and Death
Life or Death: Ethics and Options
edited by Daniel H. Labby
The Silent Weapons
by Robin Clarke
The Biological Time Bomb
by Gordon Rattray Taylor
Man, Medicine and Environment
by René Dubos
So Human an Animal
by René Dubos
June 5, 1969 issue
The Question of Aggression
The Natural History of Aggression
edited by J.D. Carthy, edited by F.J. Ebling
December 23, 1965 issue
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