Rubens: ‘Dramatic, Moving, Convincing’
The Catholic Rubens: Saints and Martyrs
by Willibald Sauerländer, translated from the German by David Dollenmayer
May 8, 2014 issue
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Charles Hope was Director of the Warburg Institute, London, from 2001 to 2010. He is the author of Titian.
Rubens: ‘Dramatic, Moving, Convincing’
The Catholic Rubens: Saints and Martyrs
by Willibald Sauerländer, translated from the German by David Dollenmayer
May 8, 2014 issue
England: How the Masterpieces Came and Went
The King’s Pictures: The Formation and Dispersal of the Collections of Charles I and His Courtiers
by Francis Haskell, edited and with an introduction by Karen Serres, and a foreword by Nicholas Penny
February 6, 2014 issue
The Art of the Phony
Forged: Why Fakes Are the Great Art of Our Age
by Jonathon Keats
Art Forgery: The History of a Modern Obsession
by Thierry Lenain
Caveat Emptor: The Secret Life of an American Art Forger
by Ken Perenyi
August 15, 2013 issue
The Wrong Leonardo?
An unprecedented opportunity to view two versions of ‘The Virgin of the Rocks’
Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan
an exhibition at the National Gallery, London, November 9, 2011–February 5, 2012
February 9, 2012 issue
Mind Your Maniera
Painting in Renaissance Florence, 1500–1550
by David Franklin
Pontormo, Bronzino, Allori: A Genealogy of Florentine Art
by Elizabeth Pilliod
Objects of Virtue: Art in Renaissance Italy
by Luke Syson and Dora Thornton
December 5, 2002 issue
The Last ‘Last Supper’
Leonardo: The Last Supper
with essays by Pinin Brambilla Barcilon and Pietro C. Marani,translated from the Italian by Harlow Tighe
Il Genio e le Passioni: Leonardo e il Cenacolo: Precedenti, innovazioni, riflessi di un capolavoro (The Genius and the Passions: Leonardo and the Last Supper: Precedents, Innovations, Reflections of a Masterpiece)
Catalog of the exhibition edited by Pietro C. Marani, with a preface by Ernst H. Gombrich
Leonardo da Vinci
by Sherwin B. Nuland
Leonardo: The First Scientist
by Michael White
August 9, 2001 issue
A Wind from the West
Il Rinascimento a Venezia e la pittura del Nord ai tempi di Bellini, Dürer, Tiziano [The Venetian Renaissance and Northern Painting in the Time of Bellini, Dürer, and Titian] 1999-January 9, 2000.
an exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi, Venice,September 5,, Catalog of the exhibition edited by Bernard Aikema and Beverly Louise Brown
December 2, 1999 issue
The Possessed
The Cultures of Collecting
edited by John Elsner, edited by Roger Cardinal
Collecting: An Unruly Passion, Psychological Perspectives
by Werner Muensterberger
September 22, 1994 issue
Restoration or Ruination?
Art Restoration: The Culture, the Business and the Scandal
by James Beck, with Michael Daley
November 18, 1993 issue
Tempest over Titian
Le Siècle de Titien: L'âge d'or de la peinture à Venise
an exhibition at the Grand Palais, Paris, March 9–June 14, 1993
Le Siècle de Titien: L'âge d'or de la peinture à Venise
catalog of the exhibition by Michel Laclotte. others
June 10, 1993 issue
Wall Power
Arts of Power: Three Halls of State in Italy, 1300–1600
by Randolph Starn and Loren Partridge
Painting, Power and Patronage: The Rise of the Professional Artist in Renaissance Italy
by Bram Kempers, translated by Beverly Jackson
March 25, 1993 issue
Michelangelo, True or False?
Michelangelo's Drawings: The Science of Attribution
by Alexander Perrig, translated by Michael Joyce
Drawn to Trouble: The Forging of an Artist
by Eric Hebborn
Michelangelo's Nose: A Myth and Its Maker
by Paul Barolsky
Why Mona Lisa Smiles and Other Tales by Vasari
by Paul Barolsky
Giotto's Father and the Family of Vasari's Lives
by Paul Barolsky
March 26, 1992 issue
Storm over the Storm
Giorgione's 'Tempest': Interpreting the Hidden Subject
by Salvatore Settis, translated by Ellen Bianchini
February 14, 1991 issue
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