
Christopher Hill

Christopher Hill (1912–2003) was an English historian. Educated at Oxford, Hill taught at the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire as well as Oxford, where he was elected Master of Balliol College. His books include Puritanism and Revolution, Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution, and The World Turned Upside Down.


The Duel in European History: Honour and the Reign of Aristocracy

by V.G. Kiernan

June 14, 1990 issue

The Raj Quartet

The British Isles: A History of Four Nations

by Hugh Kearney

June 1, 1989 issue

History Turned Upside Down

Criticism and Compliment: The politics of literature in the England of Charles I

by Kevin Sharpe

Feminist Milton

by Joseph Wittreich

Puritan Legacies: Paradise Lost and the New England Tradition, 1630–1890

by Keith W.F. Stavely

The Origins of the English Novel, 1600–1740

by Michael McKeon

The Cultural Meaning of the Scientific Revolution

by Margaret C. Jacob

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April 28, 1988 issue

Under the Tudor Bed

Treason in Tudor England: Politics and Paranoia

by Lacey Baldwin Smith

May 7, 1987 issue

Success Story

Success Story

Captain Kidd and the War Against the Pirates

by Robert C. Ritchie

January 29, 1987 issue

Jolly Rogers

Sodomy and the Perception of Evil: English Sea Rovers in the Seventeenth-Century Caribbean

by B.R. Burg

May 12, 1983 issue

Scientists in Society

Scientists in Society

Robert Boyle and the English Revolution

by J.R. Jacob

The Newtonians and the English Revolution: 1689-1720

by Margaret C. Jacob

December 7, 1978 issue

The New History of England

The New History of England

Reform and Reformation: England 1509-1558

by G.R. Elton

Stability and Strife: England 1714-1760

by W.A. Speck

April 6, 1978 issue

Top People

Top People

Charles V: Elected Emperor and Hereditary Ruler

by Manuel Fernández Alvarez, translated by J.A. Lalaguna

Philip II of Spain

by Peter Pierson

The Young Mazarin

by Georges Dethan, translated by Stanley Baron

The Cult of Elizabeth: Elizabethan Portraiture and Pageantry

by Roy Strong

December 8, 1977 issue

Hobbist Man

Hobbist Man

Wallenstein: His Life

by Golo Mann, translated by Charles Kessler

March 17, 1977 issue

Plain Sailing

The Discovery of the Sea

by J.H. Parry

England and the Discovery of America, 1481-1620

by David Beers Quinn

The European Discovery of America: The Southern Voyages 1492-1616

by Samuel Eliot Morison

Undreamed Shores: England's Wasted Empire in America

by Michael Foss

November 14, 1974 issue

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