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Claire Messud’s latest book is Kant’s Little Prussian Head and Other Reasons Why I Write: An Autobiography in Essays. (January 2021)
The Dream of Pure Expression
A new translation of Paul Valéry’s poems also includes rousing extracts from his extraordinary notebooks.
The Idea of Perfection: The Poetry and Prose of Paul Valéry
a bilingual edition translated from the French by Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody
December 3, 2020 issue
At the Border of the Novel
Valeria Luiselli’s ‘Lost Children Archive’
Lost Children Archive
by Valeria Luiselli
Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions
by Valeria Luiselli
The Story of My Teeth
by Valeria Luiselli, translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney
Faces in the Crowd
by Valeria Luiselli, translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney
by Valeria Luiselli, translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney, with an introduction by Cees Nooteboom
March 21, 2019 issue
Wilder and Wilder
‘Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder’ by Caroline Fraser
Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder
by Caroline Fraser
April 19, 2018 issue
Fierce, She Got Outside the Moment
Rachel Cusk’s ‘Transit’
by Rachel Cusk
March 23, 2017 issue
Revealing an Unknown Cairo
What Yasmine El Rashidi attempts in her deceptively quiet, adamantine novel Chronicle of a Last Summer is no less than to suffuse the present with the past.
Chronicle of a Last Summer: A Novel of Egypt
by Yasmine El Rashidi
August 18, 2016 issue
The Brother of the ‘Stranger’
The Meursault Investigation
by Kamel Daoud, translated from the French by John Cullen
October 22, 2015 issue
Discovery, Bewilderment, Joy
Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes
by Per Petterson, translated from the Norwegian by Don Bartlett
I Refuse
by Per Petterson, translated from the Norwegian by Don Bartlett
August 13, 2015 issue
A New ‘L’Étranger’
An excellent and, in important ways, new version of Camus’s famous novel
The Outsider
by Albert Camus, translated from the French by Sandra Smith
June 5, 2014 issue
Camus & Algeria: The Moral Question
Albert Camus’s ‘Algerian Chronicles’
Algerian Chronicles
by Albert Camus, edited and with an introduction by Alice Kaplan, and translated from the French by Arthur Goldhammer
November 7, 2013 issue
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