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Colin McGinn is a philosopher. His books include Philosophy of Language: The Classics Explained and Prehension: The Hand and the Emergence of Humanity. (June 2016)
Groping Toward the Mind
Soul Machine: The Invention of the Modern Mind
by George Makari
The Age of Genius: The Seventeenth Century and the Birth of the Modern Mind
by A.C. Grayling
June 23, 2016 issue
Jonathan Miller and the Kinds of Genius
On Further Reflection: 60 Years of Writing
by Jonathan Miller
April 2, 2015 issue
Storm Over the Brain
Touching a Nerve: The Self as Brain
by Patricia S. Churchland
April 24, 2014 issue
What Can Your Neurons Tell You?
The Good, the True, and the Beautiful: A Neuronal Approach
by Jean-Pierre Changeux, translated from the French and revised by Laurence Garey
July 11, 2013 issue
Ray Kurzweil’s ‘How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed’
How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed
by Ray Kurzweil
March 21, 2013 issue
Can Anything Emerge from Nothing?
Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter
by Terrence W. Deacon
June 7, 2012 issue
Can the Brain Explain Your Mind?
The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human
by V.S. Ramachandran
March 24, 2011 issue
Is Just Thinking Enough?
Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization
by John R. Searle
November 11, 2010 issue
How You Think
The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature
by Steven Pinker
September 27, 2007 issue
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