
Ed Vulliamy

Ed Vulliamy has been a reporter for The Guardian and The Observer for over thirty years. He is the author of Louder Than Bombs: A Life with Music, War, and Peace and is now writing a book about music and musicians in Ukraine during wartime. (June 2024)

D-Day’s Forgotten Victims Speak Out

D-Day’s Forgotten Victims Speak Out

Eighty years after D-Day, few know one of its darkest stories: the thousands of French civilians killed by a British and American carpet-bombing campaign of little military purpose.

L’Enfer du Havre, 1940–1944

by Julien Guillemard

Le Havre 44: À feu et à sang

by Eddy Florentin

Forgotten Blitzes: France and Italy Under Allied Air Attack, 1940–1945

by Claudia Baldoli and Andrew Knapp

Les Français sous les bombes alliées, 1940–1945

by Andrew Knapp

Les Civils dans la bataille de Normandie

by Françoise Passera and Jean Quellien

Le Calvados dans la guerre, 1939–1945

by Jean Quellien

Les Normands dans la guerre: Le temps des épreuves, 1939–1945

by Françoise Passera and Jean Quellien

Villes normandes sous les bombes (Juin 1944)

edited by Michel Boivin, Gérard Bourdin, and Jean Quellien

Bombardements 1944: Le Havre, Normandie, France, Europe

edited by John Barzman, Corinne Bouillot, and Andrew Knapp

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June 20, 2024 issue

The Vindication of Sanora Babb

The Vindication of Sanora Babb

Eighty years after her novel about farmers fleeing the Dust Bowl was shelved, Babb’s remarkable writing is finally coming out of America’s literary shadows.

Unknown No More: Recovering Sanora Babb

edited by Joanne Dearcopp and Christine Hill Smith, with a foreword by David M. Wrobel

The Dark Earth and Selected Prose from the Great Depression

by Sanora Babb, with an introduction by Erin Royston Battat

Cry of the Tinamou: Stories

by Sanora Babb, with an introduction by Alan M. Wald

Told in the Seed and Selected Poems

by Sanora Babb

An Owl on Every Post

by Sanora Babb, with a foreword by William Kennedy

The Lost Traveler

by Sanora Babb, with an introduction by Douglas Wixson

Whose Names Are Unknown

by Sanora Babb

On the Dirty Plate Trail: Remembering the Dust Bowl Refugee Camps

by Sanora Babb, with photographs by Dorothy Babb, edited and with an introduction and commentaries by Douglas Wixson

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August 19, 2021 issue

‘It’s What We Do’

In Extremis: The Life and Death of the War Correspondent Marie Colvin

by Lindsey Hilsum

A Private War: Marie Colvin and Other Tales of Heroes, Scoundrels, and Renegades

by Marie Brenner

A Private War

a film directed by Matthew Heineman

Under the Wire: Marie Colvin’s Final Assignment

by Paul Conroy

Under the Wire

a documentary film directed by Chris Martin

La Mort est ma servante: Lettre à un ami assassiné, Syrie 2005–2013 [Death Is My Servant: Letter to a Murdered Friend: Syria, 2005–2013]

by Jean-Pierre Perrin

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December 20, 2018 issue

High and Dry

The Line Becomes a River: Dispatches from the Border

by Francisco Cantú

September 27, 2018 issue

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