
Francine du Plessix Gray

Francine du Plessix Gray received the National Book Critics Circle Award in 2006 for her memoir Them: A Memoir of Parents.

‘The Paralysis of Stuttering’

‘The Paralysis of Stuttering’

Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment

by Barry Guitar

Stuttering: The Disorder of Many Theories

by Gerald Jonas

Black Swan Green

by David Mitchell

Dead Languages

by David Shields

The King’s Speech: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy

by Mark Logue and Peter Conradi

Foundations of Stuttering

by Marcel E. Wingate


by Marc Shell

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April 26, 2012 issue

Splendor and Miseries

Women for Hire: Prostitution and Sexuality in France after 1850

by Alain Corbin, translated by Alan Sheridan

La Vie quotidienne dans les maisons closes, 1830–1930

by Laure Adler

Figures of Ill Repute: Representing Prostitution in Nineteenth-Century France

by Charles Bernheimer

Painted Love: Prostitution in French Art of the Impressionist Era

by Hollis Clayson

July 16, 1992 issue

No Fool

No Fool

Clare Boothe Luce

by Wilfrid Sheed

April 1, 1982 issue

The Heavenly Deception

The Heavenly Deception

Crazy for God: The Nightmare of Cult Life

by Christopher Edwards

Moonstruck: A Memoir of My Life in a Cult

by Allen Tate Wood and Jack Vitek

Hostage to Heaven: Four Years in the Unification Church, by an Ex-Moonie and the Mother Who Fought to Free Her

by Barbara Underwood and Betty Underwood

Science, Sin, and Scholarship: The Politics of Reverend Moon and the Unification Church

edited by Irving Louis Horowitz

October 25, 1979 issue

On Safari

On Safari

The Long African Day

by Norman Myers

June 28, 1973 issue

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