
G.S. Fraser

Three British Poets

Requiem for the Living

by C. Day Lewis

Selected Poems

by Stevie Smith

The Place's Fault, and Other Poems

by Philip Hobsbaum

June 25, 1964 issue

Three Poets

The Moving Target

by W.S. Merwin

Weather and Seasons

by Michael Hamburger

A Peopled Landscape

by Charles Tomlinson

February 20, 1964 issue

Louis MacNeice

The Burning Perch

by Louis MacNeice

Collected Poems, 1925-1948

by Louis MacNeice

December 12, 1963 issue

Ransom Revised

Selected Poems (A Revised and Enlarged Edition)

by John Crowe Ransom (A Revised and Enlarged Edition)

October 31, 1963 issue

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