Girl from Berlin
“The truth about me is that everything you read about me is untrue.”
September 26, 2013 issue
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Gabriele Annan is a book and film critic living in London. (March 2006)
Girl from Berlin
“The truth about me is that everything you read about me is untrue.”
September 26, 2013 issue
After the Fall
Suite Française
by Irène Némirovsky, translated from the French by Sandra Smith
July 13, 2006 issue
When the Russians Came
A Woman in Berlin: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City
by Anonymous, translated from the German by Philip Boehm
October 6, 2005 issue
Sonata for Three Hands
The Kreutzer Sonata
by Margriet de Moor, translated from the Dutch by Susan Massotty
May 12, 2005 issue
Love in Upper Bohemia
The Rare and the Beautiful: The Art, Loves, and Lives of the Garman Sisters
by Cressida Connolly
November 18, 2004 issue
Lichtenberg in Love
Lichtenberg and the Little Flower Girl
by Gert Hofmann,translated from the German and with an afterword by Michael Hofmann
August 12, 2004 issue
Tales of Two Cities
by Ronit Matalon,translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen
Someone to Run With
by David Grossman,translated from the Hebrew by Vered Almog and Maya Gurantz
February 26, 2004 issue
Brief Encounter
by Milan Kundera, translated from the French by Linda Asher
December 5, 2002 issue
In Lands Not My Own: A Wartime Journey
by Reuben Ainsztein
Trains of Thought: Memories of a Stateless Youth
by Victor Brombert
Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered
by Ruth Kluger, with a foreword by Lore Segal
November 7, 2002 issue
Ghost Story
by W.G. Sebald, translated from the German by Anthea Bill
November 1, 2001 issue
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