
Gerald Brenan

Out of the Labyrinth

Spain: Dictatorship to Democracy

by Raymond Carr and Juan Pablo Fusi

September 27, 1979 issue

An Honest Man

An Honest Man

The Forging of a Rebel

by Arturo Barea, translated by Ilsa Barea

March 6, 1975 issue

True Grit

In Hiding: The Life of Manuel Cortes

by Ronald Fraser

August 10, 1972 issue

A Hidden Life

A Hidden Life

Carrington: Letters and Extracts from her Diaries

chosen and with an Introduction by David Garnett

July 1, 1971 issue

Caudillo Country

Politics and the Military in Modern Spain

by Stanley G. Payne

The Goodbye Land

by José Yglesias

September 28, 1967 issue


A Handbook for Spain, 1845

by Richard Ford

January 26, 1967 issue

In the Labyrinth

Spain, 1808-1939

by Raymond Carr

The Thirty Thousand

by Carmen Irizzary

November 17, 1966 issue

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