
Gwyn Jones

The Fury of the Northmen

The Vikings William Morrow

by James Graham-Campbell and Dafydd Kidd

The Viking World

by James Graham-Campbell

"The Vikings" 1980, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 4, 1980 to January 4,1981

an exhibition at the British Museum February 19, 1980 to July 20,

October 9, 1980 issue



Scott and Amundsen

by Roland Huntford

July 17, 1980 issue

The Vikings

Land Under the Pole Star

by Helge Ingstad, translated by Naomi Walford

The Vinland Sagas

translated and with an Introduction by Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Palson

The Viking Explorers

by Frederick J. Pohl

Viking Art

by David M. Wilson and Ole Klindt-Jensen

April 6, 1967 issue

International Thriller

The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation

by R.A. Skelton and Thomas E. Marston and George D. Painter, with a Foreward by Alexander O. Vietor


by Farley Mowat

The Norsemen

by Count Eric Oxenstierna

November 25, 1965 issue

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