
Hans J. Morgenthau

Hans J. Morgenthau (1904–1980) was a legal scholar and theorist of international relations. Educated in Germany and Switzerland, Morgenthau taught for many years at the University of Chicago; later in life, he moved to The New School and The City University of New York. His books include In Defense of The National Interest, Politics Among Nations, and The Purpose of American Politics.

Wild Bunch

Naïve Questions about War and Peace

by William Whitworth

The Tuesday Cabinet

by Henry F. Graff

Alliance Politics

by Richard E. Neustadt

Alternative to Armageddon

by Col. Wesley W. Yale and Gen. I.D. White and Gen. Hasso E. von Manteuffel

Militarism, U.S.A.

by Col. James A. Donovan, written in cooperation with Gen. David Shoup

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February 11, 1971 issue

Time for a Change

Time for a Change

Responsibility and Response

by Maxwell D. Taylor

The Arrogance of Power

by Senator J. William Fulbright

April 6, 1967 issue

Room at the Top

Triumph or Tragedy: Reflections on Vietnam

by Richard Goodwin

June 23, 1966 issue

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