
Harold Bloom

Harold Bloom’s most recent books are The Anatomy of Influence: Literature as a Way of Life and The Shadow of a Great Rock: A Literary Appreciation of the King James Bible. He teaches at Yale and is at work on a play, To You Whoever You are: A Pageant Celebrating Walt Whitman.
 (February 2012)

Revisiting Isaac Bashevis Singer

The Magician of Lublin

by Isaac Bashevis Singer, translated from the Yiddish by Elaine Gottlieb and Joseph Singer

October 28, 2010 issue

Pilgrim to Eros

Byron in Love: A Short Daring Life

by Edna O'Brien

September 24, 2009 issue

The Glories of Yiddish

History of the Yiddish Language

by Max Weinreich, edited by Paul Glasser, translated from the Yiddish by Shlomo Noble with the assistance of Joshua A. Fishman

November 6, 2008 issue

Literature as the Bible

The Literary Guide to the Bible

edited by Robert Alter, edited by Frank Kermode

March 31, 1988 issue

On the Heights

On the Heights

Selections from George Eliot's Letters

edited by Gordon S. Haight

September 26, 1985 issue

Mr. America

Mr. America

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Days of Encounter

by John McAleer

November 22, 1984 issue

Inescapable Poe

Inescapable Poe

Edgar Allan Poe: Poetry and Tales

edited by Patrick F. Quinn

Edgar Allan Poe: Essays and Reviews

edited by G.R. Thompson

October 11, 1984 issue

The Real Me

Walt Whitman: The Making of the Poet

by Paul Zweig

April 26, 1984 issue

Apocalypse Then

The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha Vol. I: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments

edited by James H. Charlesworth

January 19, 1984 issue

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