
Jessica Riskin

Jessica Riskin is the Frances and Charles Field Professor of History at Stanford. She is currently writing a book about the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and the history of evolutionary theory. (March 2024)

Nature’s Evolving Tastes

Nature’s Evolving Tastes

In a new collection of essays on Darwin’s Descent of Man, a number of scientists claim that human and animal cultures emerge from the “purposeless process” of natural selection. Darwin himself said the opposite.

A Most Interesting Problem: What Darwin’s Descent of Man Got Right and Wrong About Human Evolution

edited by Jeremy DeSilva

The Origins of the World: The Invention of Nature in the 19th Century

an exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, May 19–July 18, 2021

The Natural History of Edward Lear: New Edition

by Robert McCracken Peck, with a foreword by David Attenborough

October 21, 2021 issue

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