Franklin’s Mint
A Little Revenge: Benjamin Franklin and His Son
by Willard Sterne Randall
November 7, 1985 issue
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J.H. Plumb (1911–2001) was a British historian. He taught at Cambridge and Columbia. Plumb was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 1968 and was knighted in 1982. His works include England in the Eighteenth Century, The Making of a Historian,and The American Experience.
Franklin’s Mint
A Little Revenge: Benjamin Franklin and His Son
by Willard Sterne Randall
November 7, 1985 issue
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by Charles Coulston Gillispie
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Un-Kinglike King
Royal Charles: Charles II and the Restoration
by Antonia Fraser
December 20, 1979 issue
Easy Living
Life in the English Country House: A Social and Architectural History
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The Family, Sex and Marriage in England: 1500-1800
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November 24, 1977 issue
How Freedom Took Root in Slavery
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November 27, 1975 issue
Ravaged by Common Sense
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The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
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Code 72
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From Peking to Rome
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Bayeux in the Late Eighteenth Century
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