
Joan Sax

Women in Retreat

Storia delle donne in Occidente: Dal Rinascimento all'età moderna (A History of Women in the West: From the Renaissance to the Modern Era)

edited by Arlette Farge, edited by Natalie Zemon Davis

Letteratura per il popolo in Francia (1600–1750) (Literature for the French People, 1600–1750)

by Giovanni Dotoli

Women of the Renaissance

by Margaret L. King

Ange ou diablesse: La représentation de la femme au XVIe siècle (Angel or Devil: The Representation of Women in the Sixteenth Century)

by Sara F. Matthews Grieco

Le travail des apparences: Le corps féminin, XVIIIe–XIXe siècle (The Work of Appearances: The Female Body in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries)

by Philippe Perot

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December 19, 1991 issue

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