
John Clive

Chosen People

A Liberal Descent: Victorian Historians and the English Past

by J. W. Burrow

June 24, 1982 issue

Hello to All That

Julian Grenfell: His Life and the Times of His Death 1888-1915

by Nicholas Mosley

The Cousins: The Friendships, Opinions and Activities of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt and George Wyndham

by Max Egremont

March 23, 1978 issue

Soldiers of the Queen

The Model Major General: A Biography of Field-Marshal Lord Wolseley

by Joseph Lehmann

The Royal George, 1819-1904: The Life of H. R. H. Prince George Duke of Cambridge

by Giles St. Aubyn

January 28, 1965 issue

Noble Failure

Noble Failure

Rosebery: A Biography of Archibald Philip, Fifth Earl of Rosebery

by Robert Rhodes James

June 25, 1964 issue

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