
John Higham

John Higham is Professor of History Emeritus at Johns Hopkins University and the editor of Civil Rights and Social Wrongs: Black—White Relations Since World War II, which has just been published. (November 1997)

The Old Frontier

The Old Frontier

America's Frontier Heritage

by Ray Allen Billington

Turner and the Sociology of the Frontier

edited by Richard Hofstadter, edited by Seymour Martin Lipset

Exploration and Empire: The Explorer and the Scientist in the Winning of the American West

by William H. Goetzmann

America's Western Frontiers: The Exploration and Settlement of the Trans-Mississippi West

by John A. Hawgood

April 25, 1968 issue

Provincial History

The Americans: The National Experience

by Daniel J. Boorstin

November 11, 1965 issue

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