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John Russell (1919–2008) was Chief Art Critic at The New York Times from 1982 until 1990. He was the author of many art-historical studies, including Matisse, Father & Son and The Meanings of Modern Art.
In Goreyland
Ascending Peculiarity: Edward Gorey on Edward Gorey
interviews selected and edited by Karen Wilkin
The Object-Lesson
by Edward Gorey
March 28, 2002 issue
‘The King of the Cats’
by Nicholas Fox Weber
Balthus: Catalogue Raisonné of the Complete Works
by Virginie Monnier and Jean Clair
May 11, 2000 issue
Confessions of a Child of the Century
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Picasso, Provence, and Douglas Cooper
by John Richardson
December 2, 1999 issue
Happy Birthday, Elliott Carter!
Elliott Carter: Collected Essays and Lectures, 1937-1995
edited by Jonathan W. Bernard
The Music of Elliott Carter, second edition
by David Schiff, foreword by Elliott Carter
December 17, 1998 issue
High Spirits
To the Memory of Childhood
by Lydia Chukovskaya, translated by Eliza Kellogg Klose
Entretiens avec Anna Akhmatova
by Lydia Tchoukovskaïa
February 15, 1990 issue
The Return of Meyerhold
Meyerhold the Director
by Konstantin Rudnitsky, translated by George Petrov, edited by Sydney Schultze
Meyerhold at Work
edited by Paul Schmidt, translated by Paul Schmidt and Ilya Levin and Vern McGee
July 15, 1982 issue
Pas de deux
Bronislava Nijinska: Early Memoirs
translated and edited by Irina Nijinska and Jean Rawlinson, with an introduction by Anna Kisselgoff
December 3, 1981 issue
The Spirit of 1917
"Parade: An Evening of French Music Theatre": Parade
by Erik Satie, choreography by Gray Veredon
Les Mamelles de Tirésias
by Francis Poulenc, libretto by Guillaume Apollinaire
L'Enfant et les Sortilèges
by Maurice Ravel, libretto by Colette, conducted by Manuel Rosenthal, produced by John Dexter, sets and costumes by David Hockney, lighting by Gil Wechsler
April 30, 1981 issue
Master of Letters
The Letters of Edward FitzGerald, Vol. I, 1830-1850
edited by Alfred McKinley Terhune, edited by Annabelle Burdick Terhune
January 22, 1981 issue
Light and Lively
American Light: The Luminist Movement 1850-1875
edited by John Wilmerding
Nature and Culture: American Landscape and Painting 1825-1875
by Barbara Novak
May 29, 1980 issue
Hostess with the Mostest
Misia: The Life of Misia Sert
by Arthur Gold and Robert Fizdale
March 6, 1980 issue
The Words of Van Gogh
The Complete Letters of Vincent van Gogh
Letters of Vincent van Gogh, 1886-1890: A Facsimile Edition (Amsterdam)
with an introduction by V.W. van Gogh
April 5, 1979 issue
Life Studies
The Three Worlds of Leonid
by Leonid Berman, preface by Virgil Thomson, translated by Olivier Bernier
February 8, 1979 issue
The Malraux Show
André Malraux
by Jean Lacouture, translated by Alan Sheridan
Malraux's Heroes and History
by James W. Greenlee
Hôtes de Passage
by André Malraux
by André Malraux
La Tête d'obsidienne
by André Malraux
March 4, 1976 issue
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