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Berlin in the Light
Berlin 1910-1933
by Eberhard Roters, with Janos Frecot and Sonja Günther and Joachim Heusinger von Waldegg and Ulrich Gregor and Arno Paul, translated by Margerite Mounier
Avant-Garde Photography in Germany, 1919-1939
by Van Deren Coke
February 17, 1983 issue
Breaking Away
The Berlin Secession: Modernism and Its Enemies in Imperial Germany
by Peter Paret
May 28, 1981 issue
Art of a Nasty Time
Nazi art showed how certain already prevalent German traditions and characteristics could be harnessed to the Nazi cause. What is more, they recalled corresponding features in the art of other countries—the kind of tame classicism, flashy Italianate portraiture, sub-Barbizon rusticity, and lumpy earthiness that could be found also in London, Rome, Paris, and New York.
Art in the Third Reich
by Berthold Hinz, translated by Robert Kimber and Rita Kimber
June 26, 1980 issue
Looking for the Exit
Fin-de-siècle Vienna: Politics and Culture
by Carl E. Schorske
April 3, 1980 issue
The Quest for East Germany
The Quest for Christa T.
by Christa Wolf, translated by Christopher Middleton
Postwar German Literature
by Peter Demetz
The Literature of East Germany
by Theodore Huebener
Poetry in East Germany: Adjustments, Visions, and Provocations 1945-1970
by John Flores
September 2, 1971 issue
Revolutionary Aesthetics
Literature and Revolution: A Critical Study of the Writer and Communism in the Twentieth Century
by Jürgen Rühle, translated and edited by Jean Steinberg
June 18, 1970 issue
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